Cell EXPLORERS is becoming a Gaisce National Challenge Partner!

Cell EXPLORERS is becoming a National Challenge Partner to Gaisce – the president’s award (www.gaisce.ie).
Read all about Gaisce - the president's award here
What is Gaisce? It is a self-development programme that encourages young people aged 15-25 to realise their potential. It sets a direct challenge from the President of Ireland allowing young people to take exciting personal, physical and community challenges and develop new skills and new friendships. They are 3 levels of the award: Bronze, Silver and Gold, according to time and energy given by participants.
What are Challenge Partner? This year, Gaisce is establishing partnerships with organisations – Challenge partners - that support and involve young people to participate in one or more Gaisce Challenge Areas, allowing relevant activities to be counted towards achieving a Gaisce Award. Other National Challenge Partners include Irish Youth Hostel Association, BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, Coder Dojo, ECO-UNESCO, Sail Training Ireland, SciFest, Deaf Communications Ltd., Friends of the Elderly or the Hunt Museum.
How does student's participation in Cell EXPLORERS count towards their Gaisce award ?
Third-level Students involved in volunteering with the Cell EXPLORERS Programme can use their participation to count towards Gaisce at any level – Bronze, silver or Gold providing it meets the relevant time requirements - one hours for at least 13 weeks - and an appropriate record sheet is maintained and signed off on by a trained, adult President’s Award Leader (PAL) based in their original institutions.
University or Institute of technology students involved in volunteering with the Cell EXPLORERS Programme can use their activities to meet either the ‘Community Involvement’ or ‘Personal skill’ element of their Gaisce award providing their involvement meets the relevant time requirement.
Are all the Cell EXPLORERS teams involved ?
Activities qualifying for the award varies and can include, depending on the Cell EXPLORERS teams, demonstration and presentation during school visits, participation to training, participation to school visits preparation, Data analysis, supporting local coordinators or involvement in Social media.
Interested Cell EXPLORERS volunteer students should contact both their PAL and the Cell EXPLORERS national coordinator at cellexplorers@nuigalway.ie to enquire of the possibility of working towards their Gaisce award as part of Cell EXPLORERS.