Giving Real Opportunities to Widen Participation in STEM (GROWS)
At the heart of Cell Explorers is the belief that science is for everyone, and the GROWS Project provides the opportunity to widen participation in STEM. Read the story of the project development here!
The project is funded by the Medtronic Foundation and its main aim is to bring science to underserved students in an effort to widen participation of young people from underserved and marginalized groups​.
Our GROWS team is working alongside of many community partners (including Foróige, National Youth Council Ireland, TULSA, University of Sancturies, Access Centre, Kinderburo at University of Vienna) to deliver two exciting activities across Ireland: The Cell Explorers Science Club and the Cell Explorers Escape Room.
Medtronic Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation’s mission is to improve lives for underserved & underrepresented populations worldwide, & support communities where Medtronic employees live and give. For more information, please visit medtronicfoundation.org.
Science Club
The Science Club is a 5-week program for youth groups where young people, aged 10-12, engage in hands-on science activities alongside of local scientists. The program is developed to encourage learner autonomy & confidence. Science Clubs are also invited to experiential visits, like an events in in the Galway Atlantaquaria, to continue to build science communities.
Cell Explorers Escape Room
The Escape Room is an entertaining & immersive science-themed escape room where participants find clues, run authentic experiments, & solves puzzles to solve a mystery. Designed for anyone and everyone, with no knowledge of science needed. The Escape Room is run across secondary schools and at festivals.