Biochemical Society Science Outreach and Education Workshop
The Irish Area Section of the Biochemical Society had their conference in NUI Galway this year and Cell EXPLORERS was delighted to be involved in the science outreach and education session that was ran on the 7th December. The session started with some short talks from representatives of different science outreach programmes, competitions and from primary and secondary school teachers. Following this there was show and tell space where people could see and learn about the different acitivities that are taking place to engage with children, schools and the general public. Different Cell EXPLORERS activities such as the Fantastic DNA school roadshow, the Brain EXPLORERS workshop and Little Cells games were all represented as well as the NUI Galway ReelLIFE SCIENCE competition and Discipline of Anatomy's 'Under the Microscope' outreach programme. National programmes and competitions such as FameLab Ireland, I'm a Scientist, Get me out of Here and SmartFutures were also represented, as was the 21st Century BioChallenges kits available from the Royal Society for Biology.