Cell EXPLORERS at the Galway Science and Technology Festival 2015

Cell EXPLORERS are excited to be involved again this year with the Galway Science and Technology Festival! Over the next fortnight the Cell EXPLORERS school roadshows; Fantastic DNA! and Little Cells will be visiting schools throughout Galway county. And this year, for the first time, our partner Cell EXPLORERS teams in
Athlone Institute of Technology and the University of Limerick will also be bringing the Fantastic DNA! school roadshow to schools in their localities! You can learn more about the Fantastic DNA! and Little Cells sessions on our Activities page.
As well as school roadshows, Cell EXPLORERS are delighted to announce that we will be running 5 workshops on the GSTF Exhibition Day on the 22nd November on campus in NUI Galway. Yes, you heard right! 5 workshops! Returning from last year are the School of Natural Sciences Next Top Model Workshop, the Brain EXPLORERS workshop and the Fantastic DNA! workshop. New this year are the Exploring Under the Microscope workshop (run in conjunction with the 'Under the Microscope' outreach group from the Discipline of Anatomy) and the Little Cells workshop (aimed at the youngest scientists who want to learn about the cells in our bodies). Check back here to find more details for all these workshops over the next week. And remember to book your free tickets for the GSTF Exhibition day from the 14th November on the GSTF website: www.galwayscience.ie.