We are partnering with Native Scientist !

Are you a French Speaking scientist ? Do you want to share your love for science in your native language with bilingual children?
With the support of French Embassy in Dublin, the Cell EXPLORERS programme is teaming up with the Native Scientist programme to offer a Science workshop in French to local bilingual children. Native Scientist is a like-minded outreach programme that implements outreach and enrichment projects aimed at promoting science and language literacy.
The workshop will be co-organised and coordinated by Sarah Berthaud, a GMIT researcher in the field of language acquisition and bilingualism and Muriel Grenon, Cell EXPLORERS director.
We are looking for 5 interested scientists from NUI Galway or GMIT to develop a short 15 minutes activity (around their research topics or not) for this workshop. The 90 minutes workshop, currently scheduled for the 23rd of March, will be run to engage 6 to 12 years old children in hands on science.
The scientist's commitment required is as follow :
Introductory Meeting (45 minutes NUI Galway) – January 2019
Activity development (time varies depending on researchers and activities)– January – February 2019
Review of the activity (2h meeting NUI Galway) – February 2019
Rehearsal of all workshop (2h NUI Galway) – March 2019
Running workshop (2h NUI Galway) – 21st March 2019
Some support for developing your activity and training to its delivery can be provided.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact the workshop coordinator Sarah Berthaud at sarah.berthaud@nativescientist.com or Muriel Grenon muriel.grenon@nuigalway.ie.