*Subject to change

Volunteer Sign Up
Partner Teams
If you are a staff or student member of the University of Limerick, TUS Midlands or Midwest, MTU Cork or Kerry, Dundalk IT, ATU Donegal or Galway city, the National Virus Reference Lab in UCD, University College Cork, SETU (Carlow), or the FutureNeuro centre you should contact the coordinator there directly to sign up to volunteer for Fantastic DNA! school visits.
See the Our Teams pages for more details.
NUI Galway
If you are a staff or student member of NUI Galway you can sign up to be a Cell EXPLORERS volunteer today! Contact our volunteer coordinator at volcord.cellexplorers@nuigalway to find out more information.
We also have two Meet & Greet information meetings coming up:
September 8th at 1pm
September 13th at 1pm
Both will be located in the Biochemistry Seminar Room, ground floor of Biochemistry in the Arts & Science building (the concourse).
See our volunteering trifold below to see a selection of available volunteering opportunities.