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Science Outreach and Education Final Year Research Projects
General Description


  • These projects are final year research projects accessible to School of Natural Sciences students affiliated to the Biochemistry or Microbiology disciplines. This year they have been piloted with students from Zoology.


  • Science education and outreach projects give an opportunity for students to participate in science communication, outreach and/or education by designing novel activities. The aim is to engage members of the public in science topics related to Biochemistry/Microbiology/Zoology. Some projects can involve the design of novel educational material that can be used at 3rd level education.


  • Each project involves an introduction to science communication, learning theory and science education in Ireland. The science outreach projects include a training school visit with an existing activity. Students will then design, pilot, evaluate and revise new science outreach or education activities and materials.  While activity design involves group work and discussions, each project also has a clear individual dimension. Students also engage in writing topical weekly journals around projects concepts and progression.


  • At the end of the project each student will prepare a portfolio to present their results, all material that have been developed and to place the science outreach/education session in context. Students will also present their research orally.


  • As for all research projects, the project mark is composed of marks for continuous assessment, the written report (portfolio) and an oral presentation.  Projects are assessed within their respective disciplines.

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